Try pub food classics like fish ‘n’ chips and hot wings, or have a taste of Ireland with our Irish stew. Vegetarian? Not a problem! There is something for every taste at The Globe.
The kitchen is open Monday-Friday at 15.00-21.30, Saturday at 12.30-21.30 and Sunday at 14.00-20.00.
Try pub food classics like fish ‘n’ chips and hot wings or have a taste of Ireland with our Irish stew.
Vegetarian? Not a problem! There is something for every taste at The Globe.
The kitchen is open Monday-Friday at 15.00-21.30, Saturday at 12.30-21.30 and Sunday at 14.00-20.00.

- Bar Snacks -
The Globe Tacos (GF)
Hard taco shells filled with spicy chili minced beef. Served with cheese, salsa and sour cream.
Hårde tacoskaller fyldt med krydret chilihakket oksekød. Serveres med ost, salsa og creme fraiche.
Hot Wings (GF)
Served with sour cream.
Serveres med creme fraiche.
Fries (V, GF)
Fries with Cheese
Nachos (V, GF)
Chili tortilla chips topped with cheddar, jalapeños, spicy homemede salsa sour cream.
Tortillachips med chili toppet med cheddar, jalapeños, krydret hjemmelavet salsa og creme fraiche.
Nachos with Chicken
Soup of the Day
See board.
Se tavle.
- Taste of Ireland -
Steak & Guinness Pie
Steak, mushroom, carrot, and onion reduced down in our homemade Guinness sauce and topped with filo pastry. Choose between fries or mashed potato.
Bøf, champignon, gulerod og løg kogt i vores hjemmelavede Guinness-sauce og toppet med filodej. Vælg enten pommes frites eller kartoffelmos.
Bangers & Mash (GF)
Creamy mashed potatoes with Irish sausages. Served with onion beef gravy.
Cremet kartoffelmos med irske pølser. Serveres med løg- og oksekødssovs.
The Globe Irish Stew (GF)
Tender lamb, root vegetables and potatoes. Served with baked bread. The taste of home.
Mørt lammekød, rodfrugter og kartofler. Serveres med bagt brød. Smagen af Irland.
Big Irish Breakfast (GF)
Two sausages, two fried eggs, bacon, black and white pudding, potato rost, grilled tomato, muchroom and baked beans. Served with toast.
To pølser, to spejlæg, bacon boldpølse, hvid pølse, kartoffelrösti, grillet tomat, champignon og bagte bønner. Serveres med toast.
- Mains -
Fish 'n' Chips
Beer-battered cod made with Kronenbourg 1664 Blanc Beer. Served with fries, tartar sauce and mint peas.
Øl paneret torsk lavet med Kronenbourg 1664 Blanc øl. Serveres med pommes frites, tatar-sauce og mynteærter.
Chili Con Carne (GF)
Spicy minced beef and kidney beans topped with cheddar cheese. Served with sour cream. Choose either fries or tortilla chips.
Krydret hakket oksekød og kidneybønner toppet med cheddarost. Vælg mellem frites eller tortillachips. Serveres med creme fraiche.
The Globe Burger (V)
Choose between beef, chicken or vegetarian. Served on a beer-battered bread roll with coleslaw and fries.
Add extras: Bacon, cheese, salsa or jalapeños for +15.- each
Vælg mellem oksekød, kylling eller vegetar. Serveres i en ølpaneret bolle med coleslaw og pommes frites.
Tilføj ekstra: Bacon, ost, salsa eller jalapeños for +15.- pr. stk.
Club Sandwich
Ciabatta sandwich served with grilled chicken breast, bacon and curry dressing. Served with fries and coleslaw.
Ciabatta sandwich serveret med grillet kyllingebryst, bacon og karrydressing. Serveres med pommes frites og coleslaw.
Ceasar Salad (V)
Romaine lettuce, croutons and permesan, tossed in creamy Caesar dressing.
Add extras: Bacon and chicken for +35.-
Romainesalat, croutoner og permesan, vendt i cremet Caesar dressing.
Tilføj ekstra: Bacon og kylling for +35.-
- Want something to drink? -
With over 30 beer selections to choose from, our beer and cider board is forever changing. You will also find a world of chocktails, wine, hot drinks and much more.
- Vegetarian (V)
- Cluten-free (GF)